Don't Gobble me!

Nov 20, 2011


Keep way back 
I'm not your meal
Plan another menu

Hear my appeal
You can't gobble me (zampar, engullir)
On Thanksgiving Day
Why not eat tofu
Feed yourself the vegan way
No, you can't gobble me

Try as you may
Fill up on veggies
Have yourself a deli tray
Now why can't I find a place
to live in peace
where I'm not a part 
of someone's Thanksgiving feast
Don't want my giblets touched (menudillos)
Don't want my drumsticks gnawed (muslos mordidos, roidos) 
You know what turkeys think
It's a major faux pax*  (blunder or indiscretion) metedura de pata

Hear my appeal
You can't gobble me (zampar, engullir)
On Thanksgiving Day
Why not eat tofu
Feed yourself the vegan way
No, you can't gobble me

  • gobble (zampar, engullir< glugutear)
  • tofu especie de "queso" fresco hecho con soja en lugar de leche.
  • vegan (vegetariano estricto)
  • veggies: (verduras)
  • giblets: ( menudillos, higadillos)
  • drumsticks (muslos)
  • gnaw (morder, roer)

*French : 
faux false  +  pas step .]

Watch the video and listen to the song here